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We are a boutique Human Capital and Performance Consulting firm which helps you holistically build strong authentic teams and through them enable long term sustainable business results, engagement, and joy.

Our Vision.

To help co-create and build beautiful organizations through ease, empathy, enablement, and execution.

ph in Transphorm.

All change begins first in the Psyche and then in the Heart, when that happens Passion gets ignited, when Passion is ignited Habits change, when Habits change culture is created.

Our Beliefs.

  • I am responsible

  • Majority of individuals and teams are good , the opportunity  great

  • Excellence exists in pockets, needs to be unleashed and established

  • Majority of the issues are internal , external are easier to identify and handle

  • Collaboration, Execution and Ownership are the biggest gaps in Organization.  

  • What to do is not the issue, it is the why and how

  • What we measure gets improved, what we review gets delivered, what we recognize, and reward gets delivered

  • Culture always trumps strategy.

  • My team -My performance – My family is my reflection

Our Clients.


— Prashant Gulati, Chief Sales (Retail), Dr Fixit.

The workshop ‘I am Responsible’ was a very useful initiative, that brought home to all participants, the importance of owing up responsibilities and driving execution from the front with teams. Through group exercises & Self-realization, it tried to squarely bring home the meaning of the word ‘Áccountability’ to all participants, as well as the fact that we are all capable of going much further than we ourselves believe possible. This programme should be a first step for anybody trying to drive through a change in team mindset. Definitely recommended for Managers.

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© 2020 Transphorm

Care by Kshitij S

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