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Del Monte.

In a two day workshop for the sales team , we co-created the ways of working using the appreciative inquiry framework . On day one we planned few experiences built around the theme of Execution Excellence


A power packed four hour session for the Kansai Nerolac Sales team of 650 plus. Transphorm went in with a team of of fifteen facilitators and created Magic.


After a tough year the Nippon sales Team underwent an intervention on reimagining their business and setting up new ambitions.


We did twenty conferences for 3000 plus retailers of Sleepwell, the theme was Parivartan. Internal sales team starting from the Leadership Team also underwent a journey on Execution and mindset shift.

Our Clients.


— Prashant Gulati, Chief Sales (Retail), Dr Fixit.

The workshop ‘I am Responsible’ was a very useful initiative, that brought home to all participants, the importance of owing up responsibilities and driving execution from the front with teams. Through group exercises & Self-realization, it tried to squarely bring home the meaning of the word ‘Áccountability’ to all participants, as well as the fact that we are all capable of going much further than we ourselves believe possible. This programme should be a first step for anybody trying to drive through a change in team mindset. Definitely recommended for Managers.

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Care by Kshitij S

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